
Op deze pagina worden openbare (youtube)  filmpjes vertoond, die gaan over de geschiedenis, het creëren en bewerken van glazen objecten. Zonder te streven naar volledigheid zullen we steeds weer films toevoegen die bijdragen aan het begrip van de kijker voor het glas-vakmanschap in al zijn facetten. We hopen dat daardoor uw belangstelling en bewondering voor de glaskunst worden gewekt en gevoed.

Glassmaking Technique: Mosaic Glass

Like a stone mosaic, mosaic glass is made up of a number of small pieces fused together. Ribbon glass was made by fusing canes or rods of glass placed side by side, while marbled glass was created from multiple colors of glass that were heated and melted together to form patterns similar to multi-colored stones. Mosaic glass is one of the most colorful types of ancient glass. Watch a demonstration of this method in this video featuring footage from the Corning Museum of Glass.

Cameo Glass

Fusing and Slumping Glass